

wingspan : 36/40 mm

Gindanes brebisson, Lita, los Cedros (Chontal) does not belong to any described ssp :
     - ventrally it looks like panaetius,
     - dorsally it looks like brebna,

it can be noted that, on the individual variation page, the two specimens from los Cedros are almost identical, while the Lita specimen is visibly different ; the bottom live butterfly pictured at Lita seems to look exactly like those from los Cedros.

and last, we found, on the Internet, pictures of very similar looking (dorsally) live specimens from the Risaralda area (Colombia).




Gindanes brebisson a Lita
los Cedros
los Cedros
los Cedros
los Cedros
G. br. panaetius, Colon, Panama
G. br. panaetius, Colon, Panama
G. br. brebna, Caranavi, Bolivia
G. br. brebna, Caranavi, Bolivia