


wingspan : male 38/43, female 41/44 mm

Entheus aequatorius, Alto Tambo, Lita, los Cedros.

the present taxonomy of the "brown and orange" Entheus is a disaster ;
butterflies on this page should be a subspecies of Entheus matho, but the confusion prevailing around these subspecies and their sympatry are the reasons why we call these butterflies - hopefully temporarily - Entheus aequatoriuswithout regard to present entomology rules and practices.



Entheus aequatorius a los Cedros
Entheus aequatorius a los Cedros
Entheus aequatorius a los Cedros
Entheus aequatorius a los Cedros
Entheus aequatorius a los Cedros
Entheus aequatorius a los Cedros
Entheus aequatorius (hembra) a la Reserva Santa Lucia
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