


wingspan : male 30/32, female 32/36 mm

a common butterfly, but common as it may be we do not know much about this species, several Anthanassa species, but also Telenassa species, being quite similar ; in Ecuador West of the Andes you normally find the nominate ssp, but we found two distinct Anthanassa drusilla populations, shown on two different fact-sheets

- one with a narrow stripe on the HW (this fact-sheet), living near (and across ?) the Colombian border, from 1500 m down to sea level,

- one with a wide stripe on the HW, living farther South (from the Nanegalito to Quinindé aea down to Macará), at the same altitude,

it could look very simple - narrow stripe in the North and wide stripe in the South - but if you look at the forms that fly in, particularly, Mexico, Panama and Colombia, it does not make sense any longer.

Anthanassa drusilla a Calderón
Anthanassa drusilla (hembra) a Calderón
Anthanassa drusilla a Calderón
Anthanassa drusilla (hembra) a Calderón
Anthanassa drusilla drusilla a Eloy Alfaro
Anthanassa drusilla drusilla a Eloy Alfaro
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